Enrichment and
Day-Training Services


  • Your dog(s) will benefit from1-hour training sessions designed to enhance on-leash behaviors in the neighborhood while also providing a relief break, exercise, and enrichment. It's an ideal choice for achieving goals such as:

    • Introducing your new puppy to leash-walking

    • Reducing leash-pulling and zig-zagging

    • Walking by other dogs and people without interacting

    • Neutrality when dogs and people are in the environment

    • A calm leash-up routine

    • Door manners/door-dashing

    Each biweekly subscription of Walk & Train includes 1 family support session, plus notes, video and photo updates from each outing.

    Some restrictions apply.

  • Your dog will join us for 1-on-1, 1.5-hour field trips to nearby trailheads for woodland hikes. Your dog gets to enjoy the beauty of Tennessee while learning essential trail manners. These sessions are perfect for those who want to:

    - Hike with their dog

    - Learn how to pass people and dogs on the trails

    - Reduce pulling during hikes

    - Improve their dog's recall and check-ins

    - Teach their dog useful trail skills

    Each biweekly subscription of Hike & Train includes 1 family support session, plus notes, video and photo updates from each outing.

    some restrictions apply

  • Short on time? We’ll take your dog on structured outings to practice good manners, leash skills, and focus in real-world settings like parks and pet-friendly stores. Perfect for busy households, our field trips ensure your pup gets the real-world training they need—even on your busiest days!

    - Ideal for pups who have a basic understanding of foundational behaviors

  • These 1.5-hour field trips allow a dog to move freely in nature off-leash, or on a long line and a well-fitted harness. Coined by Sarah Stremming of The Cognitive Canine, LLC, this type of walk encourages calmness and relaxation and can benefit a dog's physical and mental well-being. It can also help with positive behavior change in dogs with anxiety or stress from city life. These outings take place at quiet parks & SniffSpot properties. While nearly everyone is an ideal candidate for this, it can be especially helpful for dogs that:

    • Have big feelings about other dogs or people

    • Experience daily stressors or anxieties

    • Live in an urban area where access to nature is limited

    Video & photo updates are provided for every outing

  • The most critical period of a puppy’s life is between approximately 3-16 weeks old, known as their sensitive “socialization period”. Socialization helps puppies create safe, positive associations with the things and circumstances they will encounter during their lives. Well-socialized dogs are more comfortable, confident, and well-behaved in various environments and situations, and less likely to display fearful, anxious, or aggressive behaviors later in life.

    This service is targeted for puppies between 8-16 weeks old and will assist you in getting your puppy out into the world for quality exposure, observations, and experiences while prioritizing their safety and delicate vaccination status.

    These outings focus on:

    - People watchingYoung and old, big and small, different genders and ethnicities, people in uniforms, wearing sunglasses, hats, hoods, and backpacks, people using cranes, crutches, or in wheelchairs. People doing activities such as exercising, kneeling, standing on chairs or ladders, using tools, cleaning, and carrying bags and boxes.

    - Animal watchingSuch as other dogs, cats, horses, chickens, goats, birds, and any other animal your dog may come across in their day-to-day life.

    - Things that moveLike bicycles, skateboards, running kids, motorcycles, cars, trucks, fire trucks, and animals on the run.

    - New PlacesSuch as the car, veterinary office, groomers, parks, sidewalks with cars going by, pet stores, other people’s houses, trailheads, restaurant patios, and tall buildings.

    - NoisesSuch as blow dryers, kitchen appliances, vacuums, doorbells, walk-sign beeps, trucks backing up, neighbors in their yards, kids yelling, babies crying, wind & storm noises, and fireworks.

    - Different SurfacesGrass, gravel, pavement, carpet, shiny floors, mulch, sand, wet surfaces outside, and the bathtub.

    - HandlingPreparing them for veterinarian, grooming, and invasive interactions.